July 14, 2012

What is Your Hair's Name?

Is it our love-hate relationship, the fact that we spend so much time together, or the interest re-invigorated by our natural hair journey that causes us to name our hair?

I call my hair Millie. Me and ole Millie have a thing going on. Some days she wants to be pet and other days she gives you the side-eye just for looking her way. Love her or hate her, I've learned to live with her. LOL!

Whether she's fierce, fiesty, or flat or fussy, my hair deserves a name. She is too powerful to go without. Natural or not, my hair is so many things. What about yours?


Heck, when everybody and their mama feels the need to talk about or worse....touch, her, I again think it suggests she commands a name.


All that said, my hair, particularly my natural hair has brought me on a journey that stretches well beyond the length, curl pattern, or hair type of my tresses. It's a journey into me and anyone or anything that can do that....deserves a name. 

So if you've not met her yet, let me introduce you to Millie. 

What is your hair's name? Share in the comments and come on over to Facebook and let's chat more about it!  https://www.facebook.com/JourneytomyRoots