July 4, 2012

Protein Treatments vs.Cholesterol Treatments

Question: What is the difference between using a protein treatment versus a cholesterol treatment as a form of deep conditioner?

Answer: GREAT Question! Think of the proteins and cholesterols as different yet necessary rooms in your house of healthy hair practices. The bathroom is different from the kitchen but a house is not complete without both!

  • Proteins are the large biological molecules that make up the hair. You get proteins from the foods you eat such as eggs, dairy, and lean meats. When your hair is damaged, it can be fortified (strengthened) by topical protein treatments. Unhealthy hair is typically knicked, broken, and damaged. This damage leaves the hair weak and lackluster. Proteins can fortify damaged hair by filling in the knicks or damaged areas. Think of proteins as you would wall putty. Putty is a superficial fix that goes over the hole to cover and thus fortify the holed area of the wall. Proteins perform a similar function. Protein treatments act as a superficial fix that goes over the hair to cover and thus fortify the knicked/damaged area. To that same point, if your hair is not damaged, such a fix simply sits on top of the knick and creates unnecessary build up. This is why you should avoid protein treatments when they are not necessary.
  • Learn all about proteins in my two part video series:
Part I Proteins 101: The Science

Part II Proteins 101: The Products
  • Try it!: If your hair is broken, damaged, and lackluster, apply a protein treatment to fortify the knicked areas and add shine and luster to your tresses.
  • Learn more about protein treatments and learn how to make a simple DIY protein treatment in this great tutorial from Honduras Honey: 

  • Cholesterols are fats (lipids) and they help to feed/ strengthen the hair. Fats are jam packed with the nutrients your hair needs. Cholesterol treatments are great TOPICAL treatments for the hair. They are also jam packed with vitamins and nutrients. Cholesterol treaments are only topical in nature. Ingesting/eating additional cholesterol as part of your diet is NEVER a good way to improve the health of the hair (or body)!
    • Try it!: Try prepooing or deep conditioning with LeKair Cholesterol. You can pick it up in your local WalMart or your local beauty supply store. While there are many brands of cholesterol available, I find LeKair to be thicker and richer than most brands. 
    • Learn more about pre-pooing and see how I add umphh to my LeKair Choleterol in this video tutorial:
What are your favorite protein and cholesterol treatments? 
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