July 24, 2012

Prepooing 101

Pre (prior) + poo (shampoo) = Prepoo
Prepooing is a great way to protect your hair from the harsh sulfatess in shampoo or detergents in sulfate-free cleansers (aka no-poos).

There are two common ways to prepoo:
1. Oil: Apply your favorite oils to your hair and allow them to set for several hours. 
Optional: Sit under a warm hood dryer to ensure that your hair's pores open up and soak up all the goodness.

2. Conditioner: Deep condition your hair PRIOR to shampooing. The conditioner will feed your hair all of the great nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and anti-oxidants needed to strengthen it and prevent it from being stripped by the shampooing process. Allow the conditioner to set for at least one hour.
Optional: Sit under a warm hood dryer to ensure that your hair's pores open up and soak up all the goodness.
Rinse then shampoo, condition, deep condition (optional) as regular! 
Try it!
Check out this video to see how I mix my favorite prepoo recipe. 
Matter of fact, I use the same thing for my deep conditioner too! 

What is your favorite prepoo recipe? Share in the comments section below!

July 21, 2012

Loving the 'fro I Grow!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 'fro! 
See my 'fro progress going all the way back to the TWA (teenie weenie afro) stage!

July 14, 2012

What is Your Hair's Name?

Is it our love-hate relationship, the fact that we spend so much time together, or the interest re-invigorated by our natural hair journey that causes us to name our hair?

I call my hair Millie. Me and ole Millie have a thing going on. Some days she wants to be pet and other days she gives you the side-eye just for looking her way. Love her or hate her, I've learned to live with her. LOL!

Whether she's fierce, fiesty, or flat or fussy, my hair deserves a name. She is too powerful to go without. Natural or not, my hair is so many things. What about yours?


Heck, when everybody and their mama feels the need to talk about or worse....touch, her, I again think it suggests she commands a name.


All that said, my hair, particularly my natural hair has brought me on a journey that stretches well beyond the length, curl pattern, or hair type of my tresses. It's a journey into me and anyone or anything that can do that....deserves a name. 

So if you've not met her yet, let me introduce you to Millie. 

What is your hair's name? Share in the comments and come on over to Facebook and let's chat more about it!  https://www.facebook.com/JourneytomyRoots

July 10, 2012

Tresemme, Quench, African Pride Product Reviews

In this video I review Flawless Curls/Curly Hydration Shampoo and Conditioner by Tresemme, Quench by none other than Journey to My Roots, and African Pride Leave In Conditioner. Check it out!

July 9, 2012

A Headband and a Hairpin, Bad Hair Day Saviors

No matter your hair day, with a hairpin and a headband, you can work miracles.
Try it!

July 6, 2012

New Quench Review!... by Natural Hair Corner

Quench is a homemade hair oil and butter made for Natural Hair. It was created by a You-tuber/  Blogger named "JourneytomyRootsalso known as Kimberly Gray. Quench lock's water moisture and keeps hair moist for days. Quench provides your hair with a natural sunscreen, maintains a balance for your scalp, feeds your hair, adds shine and strengthens your hair. Quench also help grow your hair fast with its Anti-oxidants stimulated cell regeneration. The Castor oil and minoxidil 2% ingredients in Quench plays the major role for hair growth with this product. Their properties help reverse thinning and promote growing thicker hair. Minoxidil is known as Rogaine.
Rogaine has been around for years to help treat thinning and balding hair. 
"JourneytomyRoots" has also given customers the choice to special-order Quench without Minoxidil if preferred. If your pregnant or nursing you should use the one without Minoxidil. 

Quench has great ingredients: 

Some of the main ingredients are: Whipped African Shea Butter, Vitamin E, Natural Oils, Castor Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, all Natural 
Preservatives, Minoxidil and more. It also has a cinnamon stick that can be used to mix up the product.

My Review: 

I definitely like this product. I use the one with the Minoxidil 2%. I just order my second-order today. I used it about every other night, but you can use it everyday. It's really given my hair great shine and moisture. Quench has also sort of like a peppermint smell and it has a great tingling feeling on the scalp. Peppermint oil is one of the ingredients in this product. The Peppermint oil delivers a cooling effect to the scalp. It also helps stimulate the hair follicles so hair can grow.I've really seen a difference since, I've been using Quench.  My edges have grown out since I've been using Quench. Its can also be used as a styling product to do braids and twist. Quench is definitely a product to purchase. 
If you would like to review more on Quench or make a purchase, you can check out:  http://journey2myroots.blogspot.com/p/shop.html.

With reviews like these, how can you not try it! 
Order today by visiting the "Order Quench" tab of this blogsite. 
Thank you...and thank you Natural Hair Corner!

July 4, 2012

Protein Treatments vs.Cholesterol Treatments

Question: What is the difference between using a protein treatment versus a cholesterol treatment as a form of deep conditioner?

Answer: GREAT Question! Think of the proteins and cholesterols as different yet necessary rooms in your house of healthy hair practices. The bathroom is different from the kitchen but a house is not complete without both!

  • Proteins are the large biological molecules that make up the hair. You get proteins from the foods you eat such as eggs, dairy, and lean meats. When your hair is damaged, it can be fortified (strengthened) by topical protein treatments. Unhealthy hair is typically knicked, broken, and damaged. This damage leaves the hair weak and lackluster. Proteins can fortify damaged hair by filling in the knicks or damaged areas. Think of proteins as you would wall putty. Putty is a superficial fix that goes over the hole to cover and thus fortify the holed area of the wall. Proteins perform a similar function. Protein treatments act as a superficial fix that goes over the hair to cover and thus fortify the knicked/damaged area. To that same point, if your hair is not damaged, such a fix simply sits on top of the knick and creates unnecessary build up. This is why you should avoid protein treatments when they are not necessary.
  • Learn all about proteins in my two part video series:
Part I Proteins 101: The Science

Part II Proteins 101: The Products
  • Try it!: If your hair is broken, damaged, and lackluster, apply a protein treatment to fortify the knicked areas and add shine and luster to your tresses.
  • Learn more about protein treatments and learn how to make a simple DIY protein treatment in this great tutorial from Honduras Honey: 

  • Cholesterols are fats (lipids) and they help to feed/ strengthen the hair. Fats are jam packed with the nutrients your hair needs. Cholesterol treatments are great TOPICAL treatments for the hair. They are also jam packed with vitamins and nutrients. Cholesterol treaments are only topical in nature. Ingesting/eating additional cholesterol as part of your diet is NEVER a good way to improve the health of the hair (or body)!
    • Try it!: Try prepooing or deep conditioning with LeKair Cholesterol. You can pick it up in your local WalMart or your local beauty supply store. While there are many brands of cholesterol available, I find LeKair to be thicker and richer than most brands. 
    • Learn more about pre-pooing and see how I add umphh to my LeKair Choleterol in this video tutorial:
What are your favorite protein and cholesterol treatments? 
Share in the comments...