August 12, 2012

PSA: Silk Bonnets, Night Scarves, Curlers, and Pajamas in Public

Is this what's hot in the streets?
Perhaps I was raised a bit prudish but WTH is up with folks wearing silk bonnets, night scarves, curlers, and pajamas in public? Is this what's hot in the streets these days?

Sadly, this look has become quite the trend. 
It seems daily that I'm visually assaulted by someone wearing a silk bonnet and some pajamas in public. 
Be it Target, the grocery store, the local 7-11, wherever; these folks could care less! 
WHY people? WHY?

Check out this video PSA on the topic...

Look, I know some people have medical issues that force them to wear loose-fitting clothes, perhaps pajamas, in public. But I'm willing to bet good money that MOST of the people doing this have no issue besides laziness. 
Yep, I said it, L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S!!! 
I mean how hard is it to put on a comfortable sweat suit and throw your hair into a pony-puff/pony-tail/afro? It's not hard at all! 

Sure, we all have days where we don't feel like doing our hair. 
But trust me, even then, there are better options than a nasty silk bonnet or night scarf. 

Check out this video for a super simple alternative...

So consider this a public service announcement...

Get your life together! 
You're too young, too beautiful, and too able to do better. 
Show a little respect for yourself and others.
Take a shower. Put on some clothes. Do something with your hair!

So what about you?
Are you seeing a lot of silk bonnets, nigh scarves, curlers, and pajamas in public? 

Apparently it's quite the trend. Check out Ms.QTStyle's video on this topic...

What are your thoughts?
What do you think about this trend- yeah or neah? 
Share  in the comments below and come on over to the Journey to My Roots Group 
on Facebook to chime in...See you there!

Click the picture above or the link below to join the group and the discussion>>>


  1. One time, I was at the hairdresser when I realized I has started my monthly. No one there could help me out, so I had to run into 7-11. With my hair in curlers. Scary to think that there may have been people there that were thinking of me this way. :(

    1. I doubt folks were too harsh on you. I think we've all gotten caught with curlers or a scarf on in public. While it's not our best look, its the addition of pajamas that makes it completely ratchet. So you're good! LOL!!!!!!

  2. Ok cool. I was in sweats, but I was definitely clean! Lol

  3. I agree 109% on the pajamas and rollers..however I am so guilty on the scarf. Hey yall caught me and to know better is to do better. I will work on it

  4. Hahaha I am so guilty!! I spend all day organizing and helping others with their look and closets. Once a blue moon after a fashion show or whatever.... I skip to the store in huge dark glasses, my scarf and other ratchedness.... Kim, you got me. Hopefully the napzis won't fine me for this. Jk

  5. When my son had kindergarten graduation last year there was a woman front row with jeans, baggy sweatshirt (still not a huge issue) but that black silk wrap scarf on her head ! And it wasn't even on good could see some of her hair sticking out the back ! Its not like she didn't know about the graduation....AT LEAST put a hat on if yo don't wanna do something with your head...GEESH !!!
